Welcome to Kennedy Space Center's Science, Technology and Engineering Homepage. For the latest technology across NASA

Launch Countdown from Delta-IV Launch Complex 37 with GPS IIF-1
Landed 5/26/10 8:49:18am EDT of Shuttle Atlantis at KSC Runway 33
Launched 5/14/10 2:20pm EDT Shuttle Atlantis with STS-132/MRM1/ICC-VLD
Landing 4/20/10 at 9:08:35 am EDT of Shuttle Discovery on SLF Runway 33 at KSC
Live NASA webcast of FIRST Robotics 2010 championships in Atlanta 4/15/10 - 4/17/10
Launch 4/5/10 at 6:21 am EDT of Shuttle Discovery with STS-131/MPLM
Water Forum 3/16/10-3/18/10 at NASA/KSC - (Press Release 10-061)
FIRST Robotics Regional Competition Webcasts
Launched 3/4/10 6:57pm EST from Delta-IV Launch Complex 37 with GOES-P
Launched 2/11/10 10:23am from Atlas-5 Launch Complex 41 with SDO
Launch 2/8/10 at 4:14am EST of Shuttle Endeavour with STS-130/ISS Node 3
Live NASA webcast of FIRST Robotics 2010 Kickoff on 10am EST 1/9/2010
VAFB SLC-2W/DELTA-II Launch Countdown 12/14/09 14:09 GMT with WISE
Space Shuttle Atlantis STS-129 Launched 11/16/09 14:28 EST from LC-39A
Rollout to LC-39B 10/19/09 and Launch Countdown of ARES-1X 10/27/09
LCROSS impact on the Moon 10/9/09A Live on NASA Web and NASA/TV
VAFB Complex 2/Delta 2 Launched 10/8/09 with DigitalGlobe WorldView-2
CCAFS Complex 17B/Delta 2 7920-10C Launch 9/23/09 with STSS/DEMO
LC-39A Launch 8/28/09 of Discovery with STS-128/Leonardo
CCAFS Complex 17A/Delta 2 Launch 8/17/09 with GPS 2R-21
Experience Live WebCams from KSC (NASA-TV, Schedule)
Live Camera views of Space Station processing in the SSPF

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